Alpine Animal Hospital

Come and visit 'Dr Bek', your other family doctor, at Alpine Animal Hospital

We take pride in the excellent service we can offer our patients and clients, utilising the latest equipment, technology and training available.

For all out of hours emergencies call 0407 641 601

The best equipped small animal hospital in the North East of Victoria.

State of the art surgical facility, unsurpassed outside of Melbourne.

Certified in:
Dog reproduction, A.I (Camelot Farms)
semen testing, freezing, storage, and export.
AQIS certified.
PENHIP certified.

Digital x-ray (Di-Com)
Ultrasound (Di-Com)
Stryker Core Surgical Suit (Di-Com)
Comprehensive in house pathology including:
HM5 haematology (22 part haematology)
Agen Vet Scan (Bio Chemistry)
Immulite 1000 (72 different assays)
